Our equipment and products are mainly chosen for its safety, hence mainly FDA labels, and their price efficacy features. Most are currently popular items.

Our Approach

We provide personalized & hands on treatment by dermatologist. Our services are professionally done and of high quality.
Why Choose Us?

We provide comprehensive skin solutions covering skin condition treatment to skin rejuvenation needs in one clinic. Our charges follow ministry of health latest guidelines.
About our clinic
We are a skin specialist (dermatologist) clinic practising general dermatology, aesthetic dermatology, laser dermatology and cosmetology. We are registered with ministry of health and in practice in current premise since 2008. Clinic is headed by dermatologist who runs day to day consultation and hands on laser and aesthetics treatments.
Tues 28/1 9-1pm
Wed to Fri close
sat 1/2 - normal hrs
Happy lunar festive